Conversations with Marcia

$5/month subscription signups launch July 5, 2022!

I am inviting you inside my head. Right now, almost every night, I speak into my recorder short lessons or insights on listening, connecting, dealing with emotions (yours and others), becoming wiser, aging, learning to live by preparing to die, connecting with nature, listening to oneself, living improvisationally, letting go, and other reflections on things I learn as I grow toward the last part of life on the planet.

I speak from the heart, in the moment, with no script or plan; I just riff on the topic that has come to mind to share. Once you subscribe you will receive Conversations twice every week. In time, I will answer your questions if you send them to me. Subscription signup opens in July, you will not be prompted for payment until 7/5/22.

 Sample Conversations